Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Orange County Hair Salons

Try this one out. Hope you can help.

I'm a freshman with a problem. I have a roommate who masturbates every night and it makes me sick. She waits until she thinks I'm asleep and then really goes at it. One night she even woke me up after I was asleep. I find it disgusting to hear her moans of passion as she plays with herself. Should I tell her to stop or should I just find another roommate?

— Disgusted

1 comment:

Jade said...

A good rule when someone is doing something that bothers, annoys, or irritates you is to let her/him know of your irritation and give her/him a chance to change. You can always take more drastic measures later. (This is a really helpful tip in any type of relationship — how many times have you heard someone say, "I didn't realize that bothered you!"?)

Of course, sex can be much harder to talk about because it's personal and private. To her credit, your roommate does wait until she thinks you're asleep before she goes at it. People sometimes masturbate as a way to release tension or fall asleep. Maybe you could first try a simple face-saving tactic like rolling over and asking, "Are you okay?" when she starts to moan.

If dropping hints doesn't work, you could be more direct with your roommate. When approaching this potentially awkward conversation, think about what you want to change: Do you want her to wait until you are asleep before she masturbates? Do you need her to be quieter? Do you want her to masturbate in the hall (just kidding) or bathroom before she comes to bed? Maybe you'd prefer she masturbate at another time when you're not around? Perhaps you feel that your privacy is being invaded. Or if you are disgusted by masturbation, you might want to read about female sexuality and the functions of masturbation.

Also consider sexual words that you're comfortable using, or any metaphors that will let her know that you're awake and offended. Practice a few different lines beforehand so that you're comfortable when you start the conversation. If you decide to talk with her about her masturbatory habits, make sure you include these three things:

* What's been going on — specifically, what you hear at night.
* How it affects you; how you feel (i.e., offended, uncomfortable, etc.).
* What needs to change; ideas for changing the situation — what options you see for her.

If you can't come to an agreement, earplugs (available at drug stores) or asking for a room change will likely do the trick. You might also want to see Alice's answer to No privacy to masturbate for some more ideas about how to resolve this situation from the other person's perspective.