Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Are we Moving too Fast?

Are we? I think we are.
Every turn we make,every move we make, well it's all about faster. Faster fast food. Faster cell phone services. Faster home delivery. Cox Communications has faster internet for extra cash a month but i am already paying for a faster service that is not the regular service that I guess is slower.
I don't know. I do know I am more stressed out internally but am in Denial of it. I get mixed up. I lose focus or forget quickly. I am moving with out thinking as thought in a hypnotic state.
I'll read a book and then have very little to repeat about it. just Good or Bad.
When i am at work, for some reason i feel as tho i am running later or i am just relaxing into it. Don't want to feel rushed...enjoy the moment I am in at the time.
Any thoughts?
i wonder if anyone actually reads this. ;)