Monday, August 15, 2011

Michelle Bachman, from the depths of hell
the nerve of her

Sunday, August 7, 2011

my unprofessional political voice

I frankly do not understand all the ins and outs of the Congress and all the blabbering they do. I think many Americans do not either. We base out opinions on other's opinions. We watch very unbiased channels such as the ultra conservative,demeaning,Republican Fox News. So unreal and old in their thinking. Msnbc somewhat middle but more liberal Democrats in theor presentation and views. Actually much more realistic than Fox. Cnn, I feel is,for the most part much more middle. they do present both sides,both arguments, which i feel is my preference. i do like to hear both sides of an argument and then try to make sense of it myself..which never really works.
I do feel that many of the men and women in Congress should be placed under a review board. Many of them should be placed on a probation. Some should be fired. The manner in which our country has dealt with the economic crisis is an outrage. The Republicans want the White House back so much they would and did put our nation in the position it is now. We are in a crisis. What they passed is not going to work and we will have to return to this soap opera again. Obama has been weakend and has had to give in to their demands. Most of which he did give. This is a mistake, huge mistake.
Americans bought in to Bushes and Cheney's lies and wasteful spending. Yes Obama increased the deficit but he did not begin it and it is not so easy, given the state of things to just stop.
What, immediately stop the wars? Oh the war that was a lie started by Bush and his Republican mates?
Oh, not bailing out banks and totally destroy what we had? No stimulus money..well it was not enough money alright but all he could get. Which makes it better than not doing it at all. There are no answers. This was something that should have been dealt with when Bush was in office and stopped then. Now what? there is no answer and we are all going to pay dearly for electing George Bush once and then a second term. Wow, just keep doing it and pass the blame.