Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kenneth Brown Salons. A dream we can all share.

Kenneth Brown Salons.
I am one fortunate man. For so long I had felt out of place in Orange County, Calif. My years as a hairdresser began in Beverly Hills. This was something I felt very proud of. As a result of misjudgement, I left Los Angeles area for a relationship that was doomed to end quickly. I slowly worked less and less in Beverly Hills and began to work in South Orange County.
Do not misunderstand that South O.C is beautiful and I have met wonderful people, but it does not have what a city has. This is the suburbs. This is a mainly conservative,Republican,Christian area. Tho they truly believe that they are not conservative,it is thru blinded vision that they do not see that they are in many ways.
For many years I had wanted to return to L.A. I was drowning here in the O.C. Gay life,non existing anymore and my career was headed for disaster. I was bored,uninspired ,and getting older. I was hunting,looking,wanting to elevate my mind,my spirits,my talents and of course my love life...therefore we are speaking of my entire life. Just as I was accepting that this was what I had created and I had to accept it,own it and do the best with it...a new salon opens up.
My old friend Jeff Brown and his wife Debbie Brown have opened up a beautiful salon in south O.C. It has more of a city vibe,city attitude and a city talent. I was fortunate to have been hired and become part of a team here.
I feel saved in a way. The light bulb has been switched on. Desires to grow have reignited. The future looks better and thoughts of growth have emerged.
There is hope and I believe that my desires and wishes will come true. I wish the Brown's ultimate success,health and business growth. As I wish this for them from my heart,I know that I too will reap the benefits of supporting wholeheartedly the aspirations that Jeff Brown has put out there. His dreams and wishes are being supported by a beautiful staff he has put together. I include myself in this without ego but with a sense of joy. For his dreams have lit a fire within my own self.
So with this I congratulate them and myself. I thank God for guidance and support. I am entering the latter half of my life. A life that was somewhat irresponsible,a life that was lead thru my heart and my bad choices, but they were my choices in the end. I hope I can begin to make up for lost time and re thread something s and move to become ..perhaps, my own dream.

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